Wing Sexual Assault Response Coordinator 
 US Air Force ANG
      Office: (260) 478-3327
 DSN 778.3327 
Cell: (260) 449-5156
DoD Safe Helpline: 877-995-5247

Reporting options

  • Restricted reporting is available to service member and dependents 18 and older, and civilian employees. For confidentiality, your report will be taken by the SARC, who will not contact police or your commander. Evidence can be collected, and you will receive medical care, a victim advocate and legal assistance. This report CAN go Unrestricted at any time.

Restricted reporting allows a victim to report a Sexual Assault without triggering an investigation. It is intended to give the victim (survivor) time and control over the release of their information. Further, it also empowers the survivor to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process.

  • Unrestricted reporting is any report of sexual assault made through normal reporting channels (for example: reports to chain of command, security forces, and/or Air Force Office of Investigation). All active duty members, dependents 18 and older and civilians who have independent access to the base are eligible.

Police investigation will ensue and commander will be notified by SARC in a private and confidential manner. Your Information will be handled discreetly by your commander and those with an official need to know. SARC will intervene and will be actively involved to help with your needs. You will receive: medical care, evidence collected, victim advocate and legal assistance. Your report CANNOT go Restricted. 

  • Independent reporting is an assault reported by someone other than the victim and could lead to an Unrestricted Report.

For Information on Sexual Assault reporting options please contact your SARC or click on the links below.





Indiana Sexual Assault Response:
(317) 247-3172

122nd Fighter Wing SARC:
Office Location: Bldg  708 Rm 
Duty Phone: DSN 778-3327 or call (260) 478-3327
SARC Cell: (260) 449-5156

DoD SAFE HELPLINE: (877) 995-5247
Text your location (zip code or installation/base name) to:
CONUS: 55-247
OCONUS: 001-202-470-5546

Special Victim Counsel (SVC)
Upper Midwest Region (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI)
Office: (571) 274-4690
Office: (703) 607-2263

DoD SAPR Resources/Definitions:

What is sexual assault?

  • An intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
  • Includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy, indecent assault or attempts to commit these acts
  • Sexual assault is a crime punishable under the UCMJ
  • Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship or age of victim
  • Sexual assault is criminal conduct
  • It falls well short of the standards America expects of its men and women in uniform
  • It violates Air Force Core Values

Volunteer Victim Advocate

SAPR Victim Advocates (VA’s) provide essential support, liaison services and care to sexual assault survivors. VA’s are military personnel and DoD civilian employees selected by the SARC and who have completed a 40-hour training course, background check, letters of recommendation from leadership and possess accreditation from the Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP). VA’s are volunteers who must possess the maturity and experience to assist in very sensitive situations.

Primary responsibilities include providing crisis intervention, referral and ongoing non-clinical support. VAs also provide information on available options and resources to assist in making informed decisions about the case. VAs may accompany the victim, at the victim’s request, during investigative interviews and medical examinations. Services will continue until the victim states support is no longer needed.

N.E. Indiana Counties

Adams Adams Wells Crisis Center, Inc. P. O. Box #253, Decatur, Indiana 46733 Domestic violence shelter 260-728-9800


Local Contacts

National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)


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