Inspector General IG SAPM Exercises Inpections

IG Badge

We are here to help you! 

We serve as the eyes, ears and conscience of the 122nd Fighter Wing.

Members of the 122nd FW/IG office will do their part to ensure that

Blacksnakes are Mission-Ready Total-Force Airmen.

IG Complaints Resolution Program

IG Complaints Resolution Program used throughout the total force is based on the concept that IGs serve as an extension of their commanders by acting as the commanders’ eyes and ears to be alert to issues affecting the organization. IGs serve their commanders and their assigned organizations both by executing the complaint resolution process and by proactively training all members of the organization about IG processes and fraud, waste, and abuse issues. A successful complaint resolution program is designed to enhance the organization’s discipline, readiness, and warfighting capability. IGs use fact-finding methodologies to seek out systemic issues affecting the organization.

Director Complaints Resolution



DSN 778-3746 / Comm 260-478-3746

AF102 Complaint Form


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