Airman competes in armed forces triathlon Published July 12, 2015 By Senior Airman Justin Andras 122nd Fighter Wing FORT WAYNE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ind. -- Lt. Cody Bohachek, 122nd Fighter Wing Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Officer in Charge, recently placed fifth overall and first for the Air Force in the 2015 U.S. Armed Forces Triathlon Championship at Wolf Lake Memorial Park, Hammond, Indiana on June 7, 2015. Becoming a gifted athlete is not an easy task. For most it takes time, dedication, and motivation to achieve the physical level in which to compete. For Bohachek, sports have been a part of his life for many years. In High School he was a state qualifier in Ice Hockey and a regional qualifier in cross country. Today, he continues his sports excellence, competing in triathlons. Some of his past achievements include winning first overall in the 2013 Caesar's Creek Triathlon, first in his age group in the 2012 Giant Eagle Multisport Festival, and first overall in the 2011 Life Time Chicago Triathlon. Bohachek was recently selected to compete in the 2015 U.S. Armed Forces Triathlon Championship which included more than 400 athletes from around the world including top candidates from each branch of the U.S military and Canada including eight members from the Air Force. Bohachek has competed in major events since 2005 and has looked forward to this new opportunity. "I consider racing something of a hobby but one day I hope to compete full time," said Bohachek. In the past the Armed Forces Triathlon Championship had taken place on local military bases. This year was the first time it was held outside of a military installation. The championship was an element of the Leon's World's Fastest Triathlon which also included civilians. "We are extremely humble, grateful and honored to serve the fine women and men of the armed forces. Without their services, all the sports we enjoy every day would not be possible," said Leon Wolek, event founder. In preparation for the event Bohachek trained 12-20 hours per week for the Olympic distance event consisting of a 1.5 km swim, 40 km bike ride, and a 10 km run. The event was grueling and the competition was fierce but ultimately the Air Force team was victorious and Bohachek finished fifth overall. "There were a lot of great athletes who competed in the event and I would encourage anyone who may be interested in the event to consider competing. It was a great experience," said Bohachek. Winners will represent the U.S. armed forces at the Conseil International Du Sport Militaire Military World Games in South Korea in October, which will feature more than 6,500 military athletes from more than 110 nations.