Trip to bombing range shows Airmen A-10s capabilities Published Aug. 12, 2011 By Staff Sgt. Justin Goeden 122 FW/PA August 12, 2011 -- Airmen from the 122nd Fighter Wing work tirelessly to support the mission of their A-10 airframe. Their hard work enables the jets to get off the ground to perform the mission training needed to be effective. Except for videos and photos, once the plane leaves the base, the majority of those hard working Airmen don't get to see what's happening downrange. On Aug. 3, 2011 a bus-load of these Airmen were able to take a trip to the Camp Atterbury bombing range and experience the true mission of the A-10 first hand. It was organized by Master Sgt. Bill Skaros, 122nd Fighter Wing Intelligence Office non-commissioned officer in charge, because of an initiative from Col. David Augustine, Commander of the 122nd Fighter Wing. "We've started these field trips because I want the entire base to see the A-10's capabilities in action and what they [Airmen] are supporting," said Augustine. While there, they were given a tour of the facilities and how range officials use different systems to grade the pilots on their accuracy. They also were able to watch the pilots drop bombs on different targets, shoot the A-10's notorious 30mm Gatling gun, shoot flares and perform defensive air maneuvers. "The most exciting part of the day was getting to hear the gun fire in person, and how loud it was," said Airman 1st Class Angel Howard, an A-10 gun technician in the Gun Services shop, "it was also pretty neat getting to know people from different shops and seeing how our jobs coincide with each other."